InternationalAid - Turkey-Syria Earthquake

*All pictures are provided and copyrighted by WeWorld.
On February 6th at 4:17 a.m., the #TurkeySyriaEarthquake struck with its epicenter located in Turkey. However, this earthquake also heavily impacted neighboring #Syria, which is often overlooked by the media and the public as a region affected by earthquakes. The province of #Aleppo, Syria was hit the hardest, with over 40 buildings collapsing during the quake. Due to the lack of search and rescue equipment and external resources, the number of casualties continues to rise.
Therefore, we are partnering with the Italian NGO WeWorld Onlus (a member of the Childfund Alliance) to distribute essential items such as mattresses, blankets, hygiene products, sanitary clothing, and baby items to shelters in the most severely affected province of Aleppo. We are also arranging water trucks to supply water in areas where primary water resources are not accessible due to damaged infrastructure, ensuring that the basic survival needs of the population can be met. We will continue to stay in touch with WeWorld Onlus and evaluate the need for further mid-to-long-term assistance based on the situation.
*All pictures are provided and copyrighted by WeWorld